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Press releases

Turnitin named 2024’s EdTech Breakthrough Awards “Overall Edtech Company of the Year”

OAKLAND, Calif. - June 11, 2024 Turnitin was named “Overall EdTech Company of the Year” by EdTech Breakthrough for its innovative commitment to academic integrity and improving learning outcomes. Out of thousands of award submissions for the sixth annual awards program, Turnitin was selected as one of the best and brightest educational technology companies across the world.

Tuesday 11 June 2024
Turnitin celebra el primer aniversario del detector de escritura con IA con millones de revisiones a nivel mundial

OAKLAND, California - 9 de abril de 2024 Hoy, Turnitin está celebrando el primer aniversario de su premiada función de detección de escritura con Inteligencia Artificial. Desde el lanzamiento de esta herramienta, en abril de 2023, se han revisado más de 200 millones de documentos. Los datos sobre el uso de IA generativa en los documentos de estudiantes indican que se ha utilizado continuamente desde el lanzamiento en 2023.

Tuesday 09 April 2024
Turnitin feiert das einjährige Jubiläum seiner Funktion zur Erkennung von KI-Texten mit Millionen von überprüften Arbeiten weltweit

OAKLAND, Kalifornien. – 9. April 2024 Heute feiert Turnitin das einjährige Jubiläum seiner preisgekrönten Funktion zur Erkennung von KI-Texten. Seit dem Launch des Tools im April 2023 wurden mehr als 200 Millionen Arbeiten überprüft. Turnitins Daten zu KI-generierten Passagen in von Studierenden eingereichten Arbeiten deuten auf eine kontinuierliche Verwendung von KI-Texten in schriftlichen Abgaben seit dem Launch des Tools 2023 hin.

Tuesday 09 April 2024

アカデミック・インテグリティ(学問と研究における誠実さ・健全性)の推進を牽引し、 採点や評価のオンライン学術支援ツールを提供するターンイットイン(Turnitin)は、本日2024年4月9日で、AIライティング検知機能の提供開始から1周年を迎えました。2023年4月の提供開始以来、2億本以上の課題レポートがレビューされました。学生が課題レポートに生成AIによるライティングを利用したか、その可能性を示すターンイットインのデータは、同機能の提供開始から、学生がAIライティングを継続的に利用していることを明らかにしました。

Tuesday 09 April 2024
Alors qu’il fête son premier anniversaire, le détecteur de rédaction assistée par IA Turnitin a déjà vérifié plusieurs millions de copies partout dans le monde

Oakland, Californie, 9 avril 2024 Aujourd’hui, Turnitin célèbre le premier anniversaire d’un système de détection de rédaction assistée par IA déjà plusieurs fois récompensé. Depuis l’inauguration de cet outil en avril 2023, les données collectées par Turnitin concernant le contenu rédigé par un outil de rédaction assistée par IA confirment que les étudiants font régulièrement appel à des intelligences artificielles pour se faciliter le travail.

Tuesday 09 April 2024
Turnitin marks one year anniversary of its AI writing detector with millions of papers reviewed globally

OAKLAND, Calif. - April 9, 2024 Today, Turnitin celebrates the first anniversary of its award-winning AI writing detection feature. Since the launch of the tool in April 2023, over 200 million papers have been reviewed. Turnitin’s data on the presence of AI writing in student work indicates continued use of AI in writing submissions since the feature’s launch in 2023.

Tuesday 09 April 2024
McGraw Hill and Turnitin Announce Partnership to Help Pharmacy Schools Measure Readiness

OAKLAND, Calif. - April 2, 2024 McGraw Hill, a publishing company for educational content, software, and services for pre-K through postgraduate education, and ExamSoft by Turnitin, an all-in-one digital platform that provides secure exams and data points to improve learning outcomes, teaching strategies, and the accreditation process, today announced their partnership on two pharmacy benchmark assessments.

Tuesday 02 April 2024
Turnitin earns top honors twice in one month by Tech & Learning and GSV 150

OAKLAND, Calif. - March 1, 2024

This month, Turnitin was awarded two independent wins for its innovative commitment to academic integrity, Tech & Learning Magazine’s Best of 2023 and GSV 150.

Friday 01 March 2024
Turnitin named a finalist in “AI in Education” category at 2024 Bett Awards


Turnitin’s AI writing detection feature has been shortlisted by 2024 Bett Awards in the “AI in education” category for demonstrating outstanding innovation in the last 12 months in artificial intelligence.

Wednesday 31 January 2024
Turnitin Advances Academic Integrity with Launch of iThenticate 2.0 and New Similarity Report

OAKLAND, Calif. - November 1, 2023

AI-powered capabilities and enhanced features anticipate market needs, deliver insights about use of AI writing tools and create a seamless user-experience

Wednesday 01 November 2023